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People think they know me. Friends and family have formed their own opinions about my character and my personality. But they only know the outer me. They only see what I wish to reveal. Hidden, deep inside, there is so much more. This is the inner me.

The inner me has turmoil and conflict, internal battles I fight with myself, private conversations I play on repeat, inner anxieties that simmer and inner fears that refuse to be vanquished.

The inner me also has strength, inner beauty, fortitude, empathy and love. There is an inner spiritual light that cannot be extinguished. There is an overriding belief in the good in others and there is hope for the future - always hope!

This is the yin and yang of my inner personality, my own unique dichotomy. You cannot separate them. You cannot have the light without the darkness, the joy without the pain, the calm without the storm.

In this ongoing series, I use paired images to give a pictorial persona to my hidden "inners", attempting to make sense of these apparent contradictions and embracing the vital part each one plays in making up the whole me.

© 2019 by JANE FEELY. Proudly created with

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